
Do authors get homemade cardboard purses from their editors at the Big 6 publishers? I think NOT!!!!


Here at Bell Bridge we’re known for . . . okay, Deb Smith is known for . . . using any excuse to play in the glue-sticky world of home crafting. Which is why Bell Bridge authors often open perfectly businesslike-looking packages to find, tucked among official correspondence or book galleys, some beaded bracelets, photo pendants, custom bookmarks or Christmas ornaments made from dried peppers. And yet, for GODDESS OF FRIED OKRA author Jean Brashear, the Craft Goddesses had something special in mind: a GOFO purse made from cardboard, fabric, an Inkjet transfer of her cover art, and lots and lots of buttons, beads and assorted metal geejaws to hide the glue marks.

And so we present, below, THE PURSE, as modeled by the lovely Jean herself.

It has been suggested that THE PURSE may serve best as 1. a windowsill planter for some nice catnip or a cactus 2. a bird feeder 3. a doorstop 4. a weapon or 5. all of the above.