
9780984325658 Leigh Brill’s funny, insightful, poignant memoir about her struggles with cerebral palsy and how a trained service dog named Slugger transformed her life continues to get absolute glowing reviews at Amazon.com, where it has spent the last few weeks at No. 1 in the Kindle bestseller list sub-categories for both “Dogs” and also in women’s biographies.

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A DOG NAMED SLUGGER is one of those quiet, lovely books that people never forget. “Irresistable,” BOOKLIST said last spring, when the book was published. Next month, ABILITY Magazine (a leading glossy showcasing the concerns, victories and challenges of people with disabilities) will feature a Slugger excerpt.


Leigh is now beginning her friendship with her third service dog, Pato. Slugger was her first, (rest in peace, sweet Slugger), then a lovely female golden Lab, Kendie–who is doing just fine, thankyouverymuch, but is ready to enjoy some retirement time–and now Pato, who’s proving to be a worthy successor to Slugger and Kendie.

Here’s Slugger during one of his rare forlorn times –immediately following a bath! Scroll down for Leigh’s poem about his unhappy experience with soap.



Every dirty dog knows that shampoo and a hose

Are sure signs that bath time is looming.

If a muddy mutt’s clever, he might just endeavor

to escape such insufferable grooming.

But more often than not, every sad, soiled Spot

finds himself facing sweet-scented troubles.

All the stinks he’s collected, all the crud he’s inspected

slide away on the suds and the bubbles!

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