Insane and Deranged
By Sparkle Abbey
When life gives you lemons make…lemonade? Lemon tarts? Lemon drop martinis? Yeah, that’s the ticket!
When the two of us started writing together on the Pampered Pets Mystery Series, we knew that we had many things in common. Things like the importance of family, the value of faith, and a wicked sense of the absurdity of life.
That last one is where the insane and deranged part comes in. As soon as we sold the series, it seemed that life conspired to make things…well, challenging.
You know what we’re talking about. You have your normal life of work, shuffling around the kids and grandkids, paying the bills and running to the grocery store. But add in a few curve balls and that’s become our new “normal.”
We’ve had:
New bosses, new jobs, more responsibilities
Remodeling a dance studio
A dissertation… in England
Death of our fourteen-year-old family dog (who was blind, diabetic, and had doggie Alzheimer’s)
A wedding—mother-of-the-bride and all the drama that entails
Multiple trips to the hospital with a family friend
Unexpected out-of-town company–two weeks before the book is due.
Baby granddaughter’s kidney surgery (twice)
Family dance recitals
A death in the writing family
Planning a funeral
Disposing of drugs and handgun (That was a Thelma and Louise moment)
One heck of a huge estate sale
A parent in the hospital (twice)
Book launches
Unhelpful-unpaid interns (husbands)
Radio interviews
Newspaper interviews
Book signings
Book talks
Canceled vacations
Holidays, birthdays and anniversaries
And deadlines.
Our lives are wonderful and full…and insane and deranged. Wonder what the next twelve months will bring?
Care to join us for a lemon drop martini?
What’s going on in your life?
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